Facility management companies: Reasons why you must hire one

For a Joint Management Body / Management Corporation to function smoothly on a daily basis, numerous tasks must be managed to meet the needs and expectations. And a smart Joint Management Body / Management Corporation knows no one can do them all by themselves. Introducing the role of facility management companies. Their functions in assisting the daily operations of businesses are often overlooked.

Nonetheless, with the surging awareness and concerns about risks, more and more organizations are turning to facility management companies. And when you take into account the cost-effectiveness factor, these companies are an obvious choice.

Making them a part of your strategic goals, including them in the process, and recognising their role is time and money well spent. You can depend on their highly skilled people and innovative solutions to keep your community efficient, safe, and reliable.

In this article, we’ll discuss what they are, what they do, and why hiring one can improve your operations and increase your bottom line. At the end of it, you’ll get a grasp of their significance and why it’s time to hire one already.

What is the role of facility management companies?

To understand their importance, it’s best to know their function first. Facility management is the process of creating and maintaining a safe, secure and productive environment for residents and the community. It involves the planning, development, and implementation of a wide variety of activities, ranging from workplace design and layout to building maintenance and utility management.

The scope of their operations and specific responsibilities depend on the client’s needs, business size, operational structure, and budget.

To give you a clearer idea of their particular functions, here are some of the facility management types:

A. Overall Management

This includes the supervision and handling of numerous aspects of your business. From preventive maintenance tasks to checking legislation for your facilities, they’re at your behest to cover many bases and help keep your company running smoothly daily.

B. Quality Control

Facility management companies ensure that your products or services always meet the highest standards. It can be done through several methods like process analysis and routine inspections. 

C. Cleaning Services

FM companies monitors janitorial services to keep everything tidy. The services may include daily cleaning service or occasional deep cleaning.

D. Security Services

FM companies monitors security services on their regular rounds to identify suspicious behavior and mitigate any threats that they identify. Security guards work directly with management to determine where the property is most vulnerable and how to best patrol the area to deter crime.

E. Maintenance Projects

An FM company’s maintenance team oversees a variety of tasks to ensure that everything within your facilities is working properly. Their responsibility is to plan, evaluate, and manage upgrades or minor repairs. These projects can be done through software to help with predictive maintenance efforts.


Think of facility management like this Words with Friends cheat sheet. Nobody likes to lose. Not against friends and certainly not against residents. Having a facility management team by your side is like having a cheat code. It can improve every aspect of your building operations with its wide range of resources and knowledge.

Now that you know the role of facility management companies, it’s time to learn the 4 pillars of facility management that helps them stand the test of time.

The 4 pillars of facility management

In order to be successful, facility management requires a strategic and systematic approach to the handling of a company’s assets. The four main pillars of facility management are:

I. Establishing Efficient Work Processes

The facility manager’s role is to help streamline office operations so that employees can do their jobs more efficiently. They can achieve this by creating standardized work processes for each department within an organization, ensuring that each process follows strict guidelines, and eliminating unnecessary steps. 

This helps improve coordination across departments as well as communication between them. Streamlining the workflow also reduces the learning curve for new employees, as they don’t have to spend as much time learning each department’s processes. Hence, operational efficiency can be achieved.

II. Supporting People

The people who work in your facilities are critical assets, and investing in their well-being is important. By providing good working conditions and spaces, you can ensure that your workforce is happy and productive.

Not to mention, having an FM company also means providing a safe and secure workplace, whether it’s physical security or protection against threats like fire or injury. It’s also imperative to ensure they have the right equipment and facilities to do their jobs effectively.

III. Technology Integration

Facility management companies integrate technology into their approach when possible, using it as a tool for improving efficiency rather than just adding another layer of complexity to your business operations. 

What’s more, FM companies have many tools that allow them access to top-tier technological solutions. They can use software designed to improve the scheduling of maintenance activities, allowing them to identify blind spots in your facility and make changes to address them. 

Additionally, a preventive maintenance program might help identify when a specific piece of equipment would break down so that fixes could be performed before a problem gets worse.

IV. Facilities/Equipment Upkeep And Improvement

The fourth pillar of facilities management involves maintaining the existing infrastructure and physical assets of the company to make improvements where needed. This might include making repairs after an equipment failure or upgrading the building’s HVAC system. It may also involve installing new equipment to improve the efficiency of existing operations or building new structures to accommodate growth. 

In some cases, this requires identifying the most cost-effective approach for upgrading existing facilities, like whether to invest in renovating an existing structure or building something new. The cleaning and routine maintenance of common areas is also the responsibility of FM companies. 

An FM company can offer equipment updates or design new structures to accommodate more staff as the brand continues to grow.

With that, let’s move on to the reasons why onboarding facility management companies should be on your priority list.

Why should you hire a facility management company?

Now that you know what facility management companies do and the types of services they offer, it’s time to learn why you should hire one.

1. Keeps your costs down

No matter what industry you’re in, one of the core goals is to save money. You might wonder why you should engage a facilities management company if you want to keep the costs down.  

The answer is simple: The costs of NOT maintaining your facilities properly can be greater!

Sure, you can just keep this in-house. But you shouldn’t. If you hire your own staff, you’ll have to offer the whole package, including employee benefits and vacation pay. Not to mention, picking existing staff members to manage these responsibilities would likely lead to mishaps since they’d lack the expertise required for these tasks.

On the other hand, outsourcing would be more beneficial as it would cost you less. Plus, you can rest easy knowing they’re specialists in facility management and will help in minimizing the risks and mistakes. That eventually leads to lower costs since you don’t have to spend to keep cleaning up the blunders and re-doing the tasks.

2. Saves a lot of time

Hiring a facility management company can also save you time, lots of it. Normally, you would go through the process of job postings, interviewing applicants, training new hires, and managing a whole department responsible for facility functions. 

Why go through all that trouble? Why add something to your already long list of responsibilities when you can share the workload by outsourcing it to an FM company?

The whole process of building your facility management team is extensive. It’s way less time-consuming to just hand over everything FM-related to a speciality company. Communicate what you specifically want to be done, and they’ll handle it.

3. Ensures a safe community

The importance of having a safe and comfortable one cannot be overstated. With the help of a facility management company, you can ensure that your business and employees adhere to safety standards. 

The FM company is responsible for evaluating and verifying that all equipment and electrical components are in good working order and safe for use. 

And as mentioned before, some facility management companies handle staff training regarding emergencies. This may include how to handle fires, exit strategies in case of an emergency, or proper equipment handling.

4. Access to better resources

When you hire a facility management company, you get access to its experts, technology, and tools that can make your business run more efficiently. Depending on who you hire, the FM team can handle multiple aspects of your community. Getting one would mean helping you achieve the following:

  • Educating your staff
  • Getting daily support
  • Organizing your office
  • Improving your systems

Overall, hiring a facility management company is an excellent investment. It’ll remove a lot off of your plate, giving you more time to handle your other responsibilities. 

Although, it’s best to do your research so you can make the most out of the deal. Evaluate what a specific FM company can offer you and the resources that come along with it.

Final thoughts

There are a number of things you can do yourself to keep your facilities and operation running smoothly. But if you have a full plate at work, it’s easy to let these tasks slip through the cracks. 

So why make things even harder for yourself when there’s a simple solution?

Outsourcing a facility management company increases your bottom line and the value of your business by providing hands-on, personalized attention to your assets. The experiences, knowledge, data, technology, and other resources of an FM company allow for streamlined, reliable operations. 

Whether it’s cleaning desks, making emergency plans, providing staff support, enhancing systems, or even making “SMART” buildings, having a knowledgeable facility management team means you can rest easy and reap the benefits.      


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